Wednesday, May 27, 2015

IBM Interconnect 2015: Hybrid Cloud Integration Framework with iSOA Group and Monsanto

Bryon Kataoka, iSOA Group, CIO along with Jon Ward, Senior Middleware Engineer at Monsanto discussed the challenges and opportunities when deploying a hybrid cloud infrastructure at IBM's Interconnect 2015 Conference (session 6907).

Like many companies, the iSOA Team works with, Monsanto has a variety of legacy applications  along with cloud based enterprise applications such as Salesforce.  The key to realizing the business value of these applications was for Monsanto to create a secured, integrated, and flexible architecture that would support their effectiveness in sharing information such as inventory of offerings with their sales teams and customers.

The presentation, link to slides is below, at IBM's Interconnect 2015 documented how a Hybrid Integration Framework was developed for Monstanto highlighting the value of an SOA architecture including leveraging IBM's DataPower Gateway appliance providing:

  • A solution with a RESTful and SOAP framework that incorporated REST/JSON, SOAP, OAuth and CORS to easily pave the way for establishing a secure gateway.
  • An architecture strategically extended by using IBM's WebSphere Cast Iron, WebSphere DataPower XC10 Appliance and MQ in the SOA architecture
  • A well architected hybrid integration framework Monsanto not only established a framework for local applications and the cloud (Salesforce) opening the door for mobile as well as future API opportunities. 

If you would like to learn more, please contact the iSOA Group team at